How Can We Use The Law of Karma for Doing Business on the Internet?


We"ve all heard of Karma - and maybe even "The Law of Karma", but what, exactly does it have to do with doing business on the internet?

The Law of Karma has to do with cause and effect ...

This theory (many physicists believe it to be a proven theory) dictates that our thoughts create the situations around us, which is a theory based on physics.

Just like the theory of gravity, what does up must come down ... the Law of Karma dictates that whatever you send out to the Universe comes back to you in some form or fashion.

The Law of Karma, as dictated by Deepak Chopra, is "both the action and consequence of that action, the cause and effect simultaneously because every action generates a force of energy that returns like kind".

Everything that is happening to us today is a result of a choice we"ve made at some point in our lives.

Of course, many of our "choices" do not seem to be choices for us because they"re made on an unconscious level.

For example, someone could insult you, and the way you feel is completely up to you ...

You could feel hurt and let it ruin your day, or you could smile and say, "I"ll take that as a compliment, thank you."

Your feelings are a result of the way you choose to communicate with yourself. The Law of Karma tells us to try to be aware of the choices we make as as to generate only positive energy forces coming toward us.

Assuming you agree with the phenomenon of the Law of Karma, let"s dive into what it can do for those of us doing business on the internet ...

The following suggestions are taken from Deepak Chopra"s Book, "The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success", and interpreted in a way where we can use the Law of Karma to achieve success in business for doing business on the internet ...

1) Witness the choices you make and bring them to conscious awareness ...

"The best way to prepare for any moment in the future is to be fully conscious in the present."

All the internet marketing gurus out there tell us to state our intention of what we want and why we want it. All too often, we tend to become victims of circumstance because we choose to be unaware of our choices.

I remember when I could not sell a thing on the internet -

and it was because I did not believe I could, nor did I visualize myself ever becoming successful with doing business on the internet.

But since I started visualizing the exact amount that I CHOOSE to generate, I"ve been getting more and more sign-ups!

2) When you"re aware, ask yourself these two questions ...

First, "What are the consequences of this choice I"m making?"

For example, when I made the choice to achieve my goal of $ 5000 monthly, I stay aware that this will bring me the consequence of financial freedom from my job.

As a short term choice ..

I may chose to write a blog post, and the consequences might be that I have the ability to touch the hearts of thousands of readers. Once I recognize and stay aware of the possible consequences that what goes out on the internet places there and could be read by many, I"m more in tune with creating a more valuable post.

On the other hand ...

If I choose to just try out the internet marketing thing and simply allow "whatever happens to happen" with no focus or forethought of output, I would still likely not become successful at all with doing business on the internet.

And the second question: "Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness to me and also to those who are affected by this choice?"

My choice of achieving my goal of $ 5000 monthly will bring happiness to my family to will have more time to spend with me once I"m able to work completely online from home. It will bring more peace in my life and more time freedom to doing things I enjoy.

And, on the short term ...

I"m choosing to make my post personal and enlightening enough to affect everyone who reads it, with the hopes that other people can relate their own personal lives to the Law of Karma.

3) Ask your heart for guidance and be guided by its message of comfort or discomfort ...

"If the choice feels comfortable, plunge ahead with abandon. If the choice feels uncomfortable, pause and see the consequences of your action with your inner vision. "

Deepak tells us to "consciously put our attention in the heart and ask the heart what to do" ... and our answer might be just the slightest level of feeling in your body.

It"s important to listen to our feelings when we make choices.

Of course, some choices you make when doing business on the internet feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because we"re just not used to doing it. Creating a video for the first time might be an example of this.

However, we need to look ahead and try to visualize the outcome of what we are trying, and go the heart and see what feeling we might get from the outcome. Recognize how watching that video might make your viewer feel. Are you excited about the inspiration you can bring to others by doing it?

Then go ahead and do it!

I"ve found that in practicing the Law of Karma exercises as stated above, I"m more in touch with my feelings, and more aware of what action might be coming my way as a result of my feeling.


Source by Nancy Harnell


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