
Showing posts from November, 2017

What You Should Know About Learning How to Trade on the Forex Market

[ad_1] When it comes to learning how to trade the forex market, you have to decide which way you"d like to analyze the market. You either have to learn about technical analysis or fundamental analysis. There are certainly some traders who have a strong grasp of both, but for the most part, the majority of traders tend to focus on one or the other. Unfortunately, I do not think many traders out there even take the time to learn one or the other. It may seem strange but many traders like to trade using their "gut" instead of properly analyzing the markets. I know it sounds absurd but its true. There are a ton of traders who do not even understand the basic fundamentals when it comes to economic news events. For example, a lot of forex traders do not know the significance of the Non-Farm Payroll numbers that come out the last Friday of every month. A lot of traders do not know whether a rise or drop in interest rates will have a positive or negative effect on a currency....

Currency Trading - Make Money Fast With These 3 Tips

[ad_1] Currency trading is a great way to make money fast and here we are going to give you 3 tips (that go against a lot of common currency advice) but do not let that put you off 95% of currency traders lose and do not make money fast. Here are your 3 tips for making money fast in currency trading: 1. Do not Diversify I read a lot about how diversification spreads your risk and it does, but it also cuts your profit potential. If you are trading currencies and you are a small trader (under $ 50,000) diversification will simply ensure that you dilute your profit potentialia, or worse help you lose. When you see a trade that looks good (in line with your trading methodology) hit it hard and risk as much as you can. You will hear a lot of advice saying you should risk 2 - 5% well you will not make money that way! risking 5% on a $ 10,000 account is $ 500.00 and that wont get you much in the way of open positions. Risk up to 10% and have the courage of your conviction. Many curre...

A Day in the Life of a Fit Model

[ad_1] When most people think of modeling, they think of high fashion magazines and runway shows. But there are many kinds of models. I"ve done just about all of it, but I spent the bulk of my career as a fit model. What is a fit model? Here"s what Wikipedia says: A fitting model (sometimes fit model) is a person who is used by a fashion designer or clothing manufacturer to check the fit, drape and visual appearance of a design on a "real" human being, effectively acting as a live mannequin. This is a technically accurate definition, but it fails to account for the myriad of fun and challenges that goes into the day in the life of a fit model. I used to start my workdays at 5am in military fatigues driving my car downtown for boot camp with a group of type-A wall streeters to sweat and stay fit. With music blasting and singing at the top of my lungs, I"d be psyched to work out by the time I pulled into my parking spot outside the gym. Everywhere I went, everyon...

Making Gold With Mining in WoW

[ad_1] Ask anyone who has played WoW (World of Warcraft) for a while and they will tell you that one of the easiest ways for new players to make gold is to pick up a gathering profession. And of the gathering professions it"s likely that you"ll be told to pick up mining as one of them. Mining is a really great way for new players to make gold but it"s not just for new players, veteran players can benefit from the high amount of gold that can be made while mining. Mining is really simple to do, just go out and farm for some ore. The ore you should be farming should be in fact the high level ores like saronite ore and titanium ore (which is a rare node spawn of saronite ore). It makes no sense to mine for lower level ores when most of the time you will come back with the same or maybe a bit more ore but will only be able to sell it for a small amount compared to the high end ores. As for what to do next, you can either sell the ores as is or take the time to make them into...

Where Is The Euro Headed - Up Or Down?

[ad_1] If you"ve been following the Forex markets over the past year, then you know it"s been a wild ride! With a high of 1.4282 and a low of 1.1877 over the past 12 months, it"s no surprise that many people have made a lot of money, and others have lost a lot! Let"s take a look at where we thinking the value of the euro is headed. Now I must admit - the euro has surprised me many times this year. As an example, this recent surge upwards made me a little off guard. However, I did profit greatly from the sell-off that occurred in 2010. There were so many worries about Europe and the financial mess that certain countries were in (Greece, Spain, Ireland) and the markets were bearish on Europe in general. I remember when the euro was selling off that many people around me were scared to go short simply because they thought it had already gone down so much. They figured it could not go any lower! But this was an example of one of my trading believes - it pays to fol...

Gold, Silver and the Gathering Crypto Currency Storm

[ad_1] Much controversy surrounds comparisons between precious metals and the growing number of crypto currencies. In some ways an ideological wedge has formed between hard asset investors and the most vocal of electronic currency advocates. While both investment options remain relatively sequestered from the mainstream spotlight, they both offer fascinating perspectives for understanding the ongoing monetary and financial crisis. Crypto Storm The rise of decentralized, anonymous, and freely traded electronic currencies has worked its way into the technology and media. While Bitcoin, is the poster child, having gained the most attention and participation, there are nearly 100s of other much smaller currencies and more being developed all the time. The Rising Tide of Social Media The culture of social media will continue to play a major role in the rise of the some of the currencies. They represent another tier of commerce within a media format that has the potential to foment revolutio...

Naked Puts

[ad_1] Naked Puts are supposedly to be one of the riskiest strategies out there. But if done right selling naked puts can be even safer, and more profitable than buying stocks. When you sell a naked put you take on the obligation to buy a stock at a certain price on or before a given date. For this you bank a premium up front. Selling puts can be a good strategy as long as you do not go overboard. So if you sell naked puts on $ 50,000 worth of stocks, make sure you could buy $ 50,000 worth of stocks because you might have to follow through. If you do it in moderation selling naked puts has the following advantages. 1. Stocks Do not Need to Go Up When you sell naked puts on stocks you do not need need them to go up for you to be profitable. You only need the stock not to go down below your strike price. This allows you to make money when you are having trouble finding stocks that are about to move up. Instead of having to worry about it you could always sell puts. 2. You Can Get...

How Much Cash Does James Bond Carry?

[ad_1] First let"s start with how much cash Americans carry. Under $ 20 ....... 32% $ 21--$ 50 ....... 43% $ 51--$100 ....... 18% $101--$500 ....... 6% $501--$999 ....... .6% $1,000+ .......... .5% So, if you want to be in the rare 6%, just carry over a hundred bucks in your money clip and wallet. But that"s not even enough to take care of a sudden overnight trip. "My name is Bond, James Bond. If you"ll wait for me to find an ATM machine, I"ll take you to dinner." Sound strange? That"s right. Bond would have the cash and credit cards in his wallet to do whatever he needed to do. But some places don"t take credit cards, or the right ones. And what about emergency"s? Such as your car breaking down on a trip. You don"t want to have your family sitting in the car at midnight on a lonely road. Many will say that they are worried about being robbed, so they don"t carry much cash. But anyone that"s been robbed will tell you that he...

Make Serious Money - Get FAP Turbo and Start Now

[ad_1] I am taking the time here to write a few small weekly articles about the performance of my FAP turbo account. Up until today I have been running the robot on a demo account which has been very successful, FAP turbo is a really genius piece of software and I only hope it performances as well live as it does in demo. The account I will be using will be a £ 2000 live account with Alpari UK as my broker and am expecting for a 5-10% profit on a weekly basis, I will be using the same settings conservative only slightly different from the default FAP turbo settings. For anyone who is looking for a new way of making money online, from what I have seen so far FAP turbo is ideal it is very easy to set up, there is brilliant support and members forum where you can get all your questions answered. In the 3 short weeks I have been using FAP turbo, I have learned a great deal about trading, it is very interesting and looking like it may be very profitable. FAP turbo only requires a st...

Ten Tips for Investing in Cryptocurrency

[ad_1] Cryptocurrency is the newest trend in the money market that contains the elements of computer science and mathematical theory. Its primary function is to secure communication as it converts legible information into an unbreakable code. You can track your purchases and transfers with cryptocurrency. Following are the top ten tips for investors to invest in cryptocurrency. It"s Just Like Investing in Commodities: Investing in cryptocurrency is just like investing in any other commodity. It has two faces - it can be used as an asset or as an investment, which you can sell and exchange. Buy Bitcoin Directly: Buy Bitcoins directly if you do not want to pay the fee for investing or if you are interested in possessing real Bitcoins. There are a lot of options all over the world including, BitFinex, and BitFlyer from where you can buy Bitcoins directly. Only an Absolute Minority Uses Cryptocurrency: Today, Bitcoin is the most common cryptocurrency in the world of invest...

What Cryptocurrencies Are Good to Invest in?

[ad_1] This year the value of Bitcoin has soared, even past one gold-ounce. There are also new cryptocurrencies on the market, which is even more surprising which brings cryptocoins" worth up to more than one hundred billion. On the other hand, the longer term cryptocurrency-outlook is somewhat of a blur. There are squabbles of lack of progress among its core developers which make it less alluring as a long term investment and as a system of payment. Bitcoin Still the most popular, Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency that started all of it. It is currently the biggest market cap at around $41 billion and has been around for the past 8 years. Around the world, Bitcoin has been widely used and so far there is no easy to exploit weakness in the method it works. Both as a payment system and as a stored value, Bitcoin enables users to easily receive and send bitcoins. The concept of the blockchain is the basis in which Bitcoin is based. It is necessary to understand the blockchain concept to...

What Cryptocurrencies Are Good to Invest in?

[ad_1] This year the value of Bitcoin has soared, even past one gold-ounce. There are also new cryptocurrencies on the market, which is even more surprising which brings cryptocoins" worth up to more than one hundred billion. On the other hand, the longer term cryptocurrency-outlook is somewhat of a blur. There are squabbles of lack of progress among its core developers which make it less alluring as a long term investment and as a system of payment. Bitcoin Still the most popular, Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency that started all of it. It is currently the biggest market cap at around $41 billion and has been around for the past 8 years. Around the world, Bitcoin has been widely used and so far there is no easy to exploit weakness in the method it works. Both as a payment system and as a stored value, Bitcoin enables users to easily receive and send bitcoins. The concept of the blockchain is the basis in which Bitcoin is based. It is necessary to understand the blockchain concept to...

How Can We Use The Law of Karma for Doing Business on the Internet?

[ad_1] We"ve all heard of Karma - and maybe even "The Law of Karma", but what, exactly does it have to do with doing business on the internet? The Law of Karma has to do with cause and effect ... This theory (many physicists believe it to be a proven theory) dictates that our thoughts create the situations around us, which is a theory based on physics. Just like the theory of gravity, what does up must come down ... the Law of Karma dictates that whatever you send out to the Universe comes back to you in some form or fashion. The Law of Karma, as dictated by Deepak Chopra, is "both the action and consequence of that action, the cause and effect simultaneously because every action generates a force of energy that returns like kind". Everything that is happening to us today is a result of a choice we"ve made at some point in our lives. Of course, many of our "choices" do not seem to be choices for us because they"re made on an unconscio...

Forex Trading Indicators - 4 Common Indicators That Will Make You Money

[ad_1] Forex trading indicators - there are hundreds of them. How do you know which ones are the best? Well, the "best" indicators are the ones that help you make money. People make money with indicators, and people lose money with them. But there are a few common ones that are popular because they are easy to use and interpret. Let"s take a look at these now. 1. Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) Do not let the name intimidate you. The MACD is just a combination of 2 moving rates. You want to trade in the direction of the moving average because they indicate price trends. The MACD is a great way to measure the strength of the moving rates and help to determine the intensity of the trend. 2. Stochastics Stochastics help determine when the trend will stop trending. Knowing this is extremely important to keep you from putting your money on a dying horse. Stochastics allow you to compare the strength of the current trend to past trends so that you can see i...

Beat the Next Recession - Forex Trading

[ad_1] During my 22 years of holding the 9 to 5 day job, I was exposed to 3 recessions. I survived the first 2 and was beaten by the 3rd, where I lost my job. From my non-economist observation the recession cycle occurs every 10 - 12 years. My first recession being around 1984 when I just started to enter the employment market. I was lucky to get employed at that time, while many of my college mates were not as lucky. It took them a few years after to find a day job. The second recession was around 1996, I just changed job from manufacturing to construction not knowing that the construction company was going bust after that. I survived for a year there. I was lucky though that at the eleventh hour, I managed to switch to another job. When times got better, I was doing rather well climbing up the corporate ladder and feeling complacent that I would be lucky again even if recession would re-occur. Well, so much for that confidence, 2 years ago, I was one of the many employees of the comp...

Short History of Bitcoin

[ad_1] Bitcoin is the premier cryptocurrency of the world. It is a peer-to-peer currency and transaction system based on a decentralized consensus-based public ledger called blockchain that records all transactions. Now the bitcoin was envisaged in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto but it was a product of many decades of research into cryptography and blockchain and not just one guy"s work. It was the utopian dream of cryptographers and free trade advocates to have a borderless, decentralized currency based on the blockchain. Their dream is now a reality with the growing popularity of bitcoin and other altcoins around the world. Now the cryptocurrency was first deployed over the consensus-based blockchain in 2009 and the same year it was traded for the very first time. In July 2010, the price of bitcoin was just 8 cents and the number of miners and nodes was quite less compared to tens of thousands in number right now. Within the space of one year, the new alternative currency had risen to...

Bitcoin - Yes or No? Should You Invest in Bitcoin?

[ad_1] Wondering if you should invest in Bitcoin? If you"ve been around any kid of financial news lately, you"ve no doubt heard about the meteoric rise in the world"s most well-known cryptocurrency. And if you"re like a lot of people right about now, you"re probably wondering, "Bitcoin - yes or no?" Should you invest? Is it a good option? And what the heck is Bitcoin anyway? Well here"s a few things you should know about Bitcoin before you invest. Also note that this article is for information purposes only and should not be taken as any kind of financial advice. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is known as a cryptocurrency or a digital currency. It"s basically online money. Like any currency you can exchange it for other currencies (like say, buy bitcoins with US dollars or vice versa) and it fluctuates in relation to other currencies as well. Unlike other treaties however it is decentralized, meaning there is not any one central bank, coun...

Online FOREX Trading - Fundamental v Technical Analysis Which Is Best?

[ad_1] When you trade online FOREX markets you have a choice of using charts (technical analysis) or studying the fundamentals and news stories (fundamental analysis) but which is best? Here we will compare the two and tell you which is best for online FOREX Trading. 1. Fundamental Analysis. The financial trader will look at the supply and demand situation and try and determine which way prices are going by studying and acting upon the facts. Of course, any currency will respond to the fundamentals, but trying to trade off news stories and the facts presents a problem. The problem is: Prices do not move logically and they do not respond to the facts alone. A simple equation will make this clear: Market Fundamentals + Investor Perception = Price movement. We all see the facts, but we make our own judgments on them. Millions of traders do this and they absolutely as a whole determine the price. Fundamental analysis is very difficult for a trader to do, because the facts are i...

Review of Two Forex Analysis Software Packages

[ad_1] The most profitable stock traders often act on inside information, or information about the market that the average investor doesn"t know or even have access to. This isn"t true of the forex trading market. All the information needed to analyze the market and make well-researched trades is available to anyone. The problem is having the time to gather enough information, analyze that information and turn it into profitable trades. That"s where forex trading software comes in. It is designed to follow trends in the market and recognize when a favorable position is likely to occur. That doesn"t sound so hard. And, in fact, it isn"t. You can learn which trends to watch for and gather all the information yourself. The trouble with doing it manually is that the amount of data needed to track trends of every currency pair is voluminous! You can cut it down some, spend full time at it and still miss some important profitable trends. Having software do it for you...

Forex Trading Courses - Why They Are The Best Way to Learn Forex Quickly

[ad_1] If you want to learn Forex trading quickly and get on the road to Forex trading success, there are courses which can cut your learning curve and give you proven tools for success, lets look at the how the best courses can help you win. Most new traders think there going to win by following an automated Forex robot and earn a regular income with no effort but in a market where 95% of traders lose, its obvious you need to make an effort and do some study. It is for this reason that more traders than ever before, are seeking out the best Forex courses. The best courses are presented by experienced traders, who have been in the trenches and t have learned the hard way, they have made mistakes and found out what tools work and do not work and present you with proven strategies to help you enjoy currency trading success. By giving you a proven Forex trading strategy, they cut your learning curve and all the best courses, will show you how their strategy works in real time, so you ...

New Concepts in RSI Are Changing the Way Traders Trade Forex

[ad_1] Occasional new uses for old things can benefit us or they become new and improved. RSI, the Relative Strength Index is one of those things when it comes to Forex trading. Until recently RSI has been used to determine if prices are overbought or oversold. In fact, many traders still use it that way; even experts. However, RSI it has been shown is not a good indicator of overbought and oversold. Traders who use it to tell them when prices are too high or too low are kidding themselves. No indicator can do that. Secondly, RSI has always been one of the main indicators to locate divergences in price and momentum. Although this is an algorithmic signal, traders misunderstand why and when it forms. The New Concept of RSI Signals The first and most important New Concept for RSI is that there are just 4 signals that the trader needs to be aware of. They are bearish and bullish divergences and bearish and bullish reversals. These signals can be located manually on any RSI chart or t...

Comments: Gas Price Taxes!

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The Best Currency Trading Software is the Best to Trade - Manual & Automatic Trading

[ad_1] What is the best currency trading software that can help you out? Or should you try regular manual trading? It"s all up to you, you have plenty of options which is the beauty of Forex, you have plenty of different ways of making cash. That"s why you should start now and try to make as much money as possible! Okay, so when it comes to the Forex market, you want to start with a sense of urgency. There are many different ways of monetizing the Forex market with manual and automatic methods, we are going to go with both methods, explain why they are great, some additional stuff, and why you should in the end consider both options! Manual Trading Manual trading is great if you actually know what you are doing. Many traditional expert traders like to trade their own money, they trust their own hands - and feel if they can not trust themselves then they can not trust "software", so they do so and successfully, there are others that fail, and fail miserably ! Fi...

Get Rich With Forex - 3 Steps Towards Your First $1,000 Trading Currency With Forex

[ad_1] If you"re reading this article, then you already know how difficult and costly Forex currency trading can be. In fact, most people will tell you that comparing Forex to the stock market is like comparing the complex Japanese number puzzle, Sudoku, to a children"s coloring book. However, I"m here to tell you that this is NOT the way it is... At least, if you know what you"re doing. Believe it or not, the Forex market can be very simple and easy to manipulate. As you continue reading, I"ll be outlining the basic process you"ll need to take to start earning money with Forex. Okay? Alright! The Obvious First Step You Need to Take Before You Make a Dime First things first, you"re obviously going to need to find a broker to open a trader"s account with. That"s not so hard, right? First step done! All you"ll really need to do is fill out some paper work...Don"t be intimidated! Remember, your broker is there to help you, and you...

69 Dirty Talk Messages to Crank Up Your Texting Life

[ad_1] The ability to text message from ANYWHERE on the planet is something new, and gives relationships something they"ve never had before...the ability to keep our relationships exciting, even if we are separated from our lovers. Now the hard part is trying to be creativity and erotic on your own. While sometimes it just rolls off the tongue, and thinking of what to say is quite easy. Other times, you might receive a sexy message and be dumbfounded on how to respond. Below is a list of dirty talk messages that should be used when you can"t see the person you want, and your goal is to make them think OBSESS about you and the fact they can"t have you right now. Some of these dirty talk messages are fun, some are serious, so use them wisely and don"t randomly use them. Sometimes humor when you"re having a seriously sexy chat can spoil the mood. 1. Hi. I"m horny. 2. I just thought about how awesome you are. And how awesome I am. Let"s hook up! 3. If you...

Best Forex Trading System

[ad_1] Venturing oneself in any kind of investments is not easy. Although most people consider capital as the major element, still many failed to find success. Perhaps you have heard about forex trading as a business venture, but you do not understand what it"s all about. This article will give you a little overview, before you can examine the benefits it can provide you. Trading of foreign currencies through brokers is known as forex market. Movement of currency is the basis of forex exchange depending on market conditions. Process of dealing with the forex market to investors is called forex trading. Objective of every investor here is to profit. Opportunities of becoming rich or bankrupt via forex trading are speculative, because changes in forex rate are unexpected. As time goes by, the impact of engaging in forex trading business is becoming more and more powerful especially to those who focused and risk their lives in this kind of gamble. Thus, every business individual o...